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1000 Churches
We exist to inspire and equip Sending Pastors and Planters to accomplish the dreams that God has put in their hearts. *Assessments *Training *Coaching *Fundraising training
24:14 Coalition
24:14 is a collaborative community catalyzing, multiplying and supporting church planting movements. We work together to urgently engage every unreached people and place globally. We are a community of like-minded organizations, churches and believers who have made a commitment to a vision (to engage every unreached people and place with an effective kingdom movement strategy by December 31, 2025) based on our four primary principles: Church Planting Movements, Every People and Place, Collaboration, and Urgency. Matthew 24:14 is the cornerstone of this initiative. Our focus is to participate in seeing the gospel go to every people group on earth.
Acts 29
Acts 29 is a diverse, global family of church-planting churches characterized by: Theological Clarity, Cultural Engagement, and Missional Innovation. Acts 29 stands in the tradition of historic evangelical confessionalism. While we believe it is vital that the elders of each of our churches determine where they stand on doctrines of second importance, we do wish to make known our convictions on the following five theologically-driven core values: Gospel centrality in all of life, The sovereignty of God in saving sinners, The work of the Holy Spirit for life and ministry, The equality of male and female and the principle of male servant leadership, The local church as God’s primary mission strategy. Acts 29 will strive to be known for: Planting churches that plant churches, Pursuing holiness and humility, Being a radically diverse and global community, Praying for conversions through evangelism.
Acts Ministries International
Acts Ministries International™ began in 2002 with a group of pastors who had a vision to restore the early church that was seen in Acts 2. We are a global community of churches seeking to model the spirituality, vision, and partnership exemplified in the book of Acts. We are committed to developing disciples of Christ within our churches and spreading the gospel message through church planting and missions. We envision AMI™ to be more than a denomination or an association. It is a community of churches seeking to model the spirituality, vision, and partnership exemplified in the book of Acts. AMI™ is committed to developing disciples of Christ within our churches, as well as spreading the gospel message to unreached people through church planting and missions work.
Africa Inland Mission
Alabama Baptist Convention
We mobilize, assess, train, coaching and deploy church planters to plant multiplying churches throughout Alabama and beyond.
All Nations International, Inc.
Our vision is to see Jesus worshipped by all the peoples of the earth. Our mission is to make disciples and train leaders to ignite church planting movements among the neglected peoples of the earth. All Nations is an international Christian missions training and sending organization committed to preparing Christians to share the gospel and establish churches in parts of the world where the name of Jesus Christ is little or not known. All Nations is focused on reaching the neglected – the least, the last and the lost. All Nations was founded in 1993 by Floyd and Sally McClung.
Alliance Church Multiplication
The church multiplication family of the U.S. Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) works together to discover, develop, and deploy emerging leaders for greater Kingdom impact through church planting. We want to advance a multiplication movement throughout the U.S. in order to fulfill the Great Commission with our 27 districts and 2,000 local churches by providing the necessary resources to help catalytic leaders plant healthy, reproducing churches. We believe that together as a Christ-Centered Acts 1:8 family we accomplish more.
Alliance New England
Alliance New England is catalyzing a movement of Gospel-centered churches and leaders across New England and the world. We do this through collaboration and creating communities of faith that bring hope to every part of society.
Anglican Diocese in New England
The ADNE is a passionate and entrepreneurial family of churches, united in Word, Spirit, Sacrament, and mission, committed to the reawakening of New England. Led by Bishop Andrew Williams, the ADNE covers over 72,000 square miles and includes some of the least churched states in the nation. Nevertheless, we believe His power and presence is increasing, and that rumors of revival are not unfounded. The challenges are great, but the opportunities are greater. We are a diocese of the Anglican Church in North America and the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic
The Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic is a regional diocese of the Anglican Church in North America dedicated to reaching North America with the transforming love of Jesus Christ. The Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic consists of 42 Congregations, Missions, and Mission Fellowships in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Delaware, eastern West Virginia, and northeastern North Carolina. Several new congregations are in formation. Church Planting is central to our mission strategy. Since its founding, the diocese has consistently devoted itself to planting a thriving network of Anglican churches throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. We invite you to browse the church planting pages of our website ( and hear our vision to plant 50 churches by the end of this decade. As you do, we pray that God will touch your heart with a desire to join us in this effort by praying, giving, and working to spread the Kingdom of God through the planting of new churches.
Antioch Movement
We are a movement of church-planting churches that make disciples who Encounter God, Disciple others, and live on Mission in our city, nation, and the nations of the earth.
Asbury Seminary Church Planting Iniative
The Asbury Church Planting Initiative is born out of heart to serve and equip church leaders in an increasingly multicultural, secular, and global context. Our vision is to equip church leaders for planting new churches so they can become reproducing, disciple-making movements. We offer a variety of training including an institute certificate in church planting, master of arts intercultural studies with a specialization in church planting, and a Doctor of Ministry church planting degree.
Asian Access
Asian Access is a vibrant community. We are an interdenominational evangelical movement working throughout Asia to identify, develop and release leaders of growing and reproducing churches. We’re focused on training key leaders who will lead the church with vision, character and competence. We are becoming a vibrant community of leaders in twenty countries of Asia, uniting the church, extending the Kingdom, and transforming the cultures of Asia for the glory of God.
Assist Church Expansion
Association of Hill Country Churches
The Association of Hill Country Churches has one straightforward and compelling vision: That every man, woman, and child in the greater Austin Area will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel from the lips of someone associated with our movement. If you are being called to plant a church in Austin, you don’t have to do it by yourself; we are here to help you.
Association of Related Churches (ARC)
We are an Association of Relational Churches working with church planters and church leaders to provide support, guidance and resources to launch and grow life-giving churches.
Austin Church Planting Network
WHO WE ARE Austin Church Planting Network (ACPN for short) is made up of a diverse collective of church planters throughout Austin from denominations and networks such as Acts 29, ARC, Anglican Mission in the Americas, Bible Churches, Evangelical Covenant Church, Ecclesia Network, Free Methodists, Southern Baptists, and other local church planting networks. WHAT WE DO ACPN’s aim is to welcome, connect, train, and encourage church planters through three primary contexts: Micro-Conferences Missional Hubs Learning & Coaching Communities.
Awaken Network
Partner. Equip. Send. The Awaken Network is a collaboration of churches and individuals who partner together to equip and send leaders and planters into a world in desperate need of Jesus. The Awaken Network offers a church planting training cohort to prepare planters to build their church, contextualize their community and hit the ground running.
Baptist Convention of New England
The Baptist Convention of New England is a missional network in cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention. We consist of more than 375 churches representing a wide variety of ethnic groups and languages working together to spread the Gospel in all six New England states. The BCNE has a strong commitment to church planting, trains more than 2000 New England leaders each year, and gathers 100+ pastors in monthly cohorts. Our baptisms have reached record highs numerous times in recent years, and our collegiate and youth ministries impact thousands annually. Join us in furthering God's Kingdom through cooperation. We are better together!
Carolina Movement
Carolina Movement is a movement of churches planting churches in NC to see every man, woman & child in NC encountering Jesus in our lifetime. Our vision is to plant 100 churches in 10 years in North Carolina by 2026 because we believe church planting is the most effective method of evangelism and churches plant churches. Watch the video to learn more!
Carolina Movement
Carolina Movement is a movement of churches planting churches in NC to see every man, woman & child in NC encountering Jesus in our lifetime. Our vision is to plant 100 churches in 10 years in North Carolina by 2026 because we believe church planting is the most effective method of evangelism and churches plant churches. Watch the video to learn more! Our Mission - HELPING EVERY CHURCH BECOME A CHURCH PLANTING CHURCH Our Model -
Christian Alliance of Pastors
We engage, empower, and support pastoral visionaries in their spiritual formation as they launch and build healthy churches that are relevant, missional, and life-changing. CAP equips pastors to plant, build, and sustain thriving, missional churches.
Christians in Action Missions International
We are a 63-year-old mission sending agency which has trained and sent more than 600 missionary/church planters to 30 countries. Today we have nearly 80 international workers in 21 countries with more than 120 active churches in those communities. We are currently at work in Mexico and the Caribbean, Central America, South America, UK, West Africa, India, Thailand, Macau, the Philippines, and Okinawa, Japan. Our staff is small but mighty.
Church Army Africa
We are a community of Anglican Evangelists. Our Vision is to see a positive transformation of the Societies throughout Africa and beyond through evangelism. We run a training College for Evangelists and church planters in Kenya on diploma and certificates level. We work closely with local church to effect this transformation. We run missions activities across African Region and seek partnerships with various organizations for progress.
Church Extension Ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church
The Bible Fellowship Church is an expanding fellowship of churches united to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Over 10,000 people in over 70 congregations gather for worship in our churches every week mostly in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York. We also have congregations in Maryland, Florida, New Mexico, and Mexico. This number is growing through the evangelistic efforts of each local church and through Church Extension Ministries (CEM) which plants new Bible Fellowship Churches. CEM provides each church planter with monthly coaching by our director who is a licensed coach and ordained pastor. Church planters have a guaranteed salary through support raising. Our budget fills in any gaps between support raised and promised salary. We only plant between 10-12 churches at a time so that each church planter gets the support they need to be successful in church planting to God's glory. We also hire short-term church planting interns. We believe that all people are born sinners and by grace alone, through faith alone, those who believe receive forgiveness of sin based on Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. We practice believer's baptism by immersion. We hold to a premillennial view of Jesus Christ's earthy return and reign. Our local churches are self-governing through a Board of Elders elected by the congregation. Although autonomous, our churches are not independent. Each congregation calls its own pastor(s) with denominational approval.
Church Multiplication Collective
The Church Multiplication Collective is the intra-denominational ecosystem housing the church planting and multiplication systems that serve the broader network of The Wesleyan Church.
Churches of Christ Victoria and Tasmania
Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania Inc (CCVT) is a movement of the people of God centred in and around Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, living out his Way in our neighbourhoods and inviting others to do the same. With more than 160 years of history of missions and ministry in Australia, today it has more than 140 affiliated churches and agencies, and around 20,000 members in Victoria and Tasmania. The Church of Christ movement in Australia is known for its pioneering work, providing Christian faith communities for settlers, the indigenous, rural, urban, migrants, ethnos, the marginalised, etc. Today, our congregations range widely in size, locations, church practice and missional expressions. One of 5 key strategic direction of CCVT 2021-2025 is Church Planting and Evangelism. We believe we have the resources, strength and creative options to partner with anyone feeling called to plant on Victoria and Tasmania from ground-up.
City to City Australia
CITY TO CITY AUSTRALIA EXISTS TO HELP LEADERS BUILD GOSPEL MOVEMENTS IN AUSTRALIAN CITIES. The vision of City to City Australia is to join with God to see major city centres in Australia worshipping Jesus Christ as Lord so that God will renew them spiritually, socially and culturally to the glory of God the Father. City to City Australia is a resource for church planting and renewal in the cities of Australia. We seek to catalyse new church plants and strengthen existing churches through our programs and resources. We do this by: 1) Training & equipping leaders; 2) Developing City Networks. A GLOBAL MOVEMENT We are a part of City to City Asia Pacific, which is, in turn, part of Redeemer City to City in New York City. The movement began out of the vision of Redeemer Presbyterian Church to see a renewal of Gospel-centred church planting in the great urban cities of the world, and is very much connected to the former pastor of Redeemer, Dr Timothy Keller.
City to City North America
City to City North America (CTCNA) is a fellowship of networks, churches and leaders in collaboration to resource multi-ethnic, trans-denominational gospel movements in cities throughout North America. We focus on church planting for the renewal of the cities in the U.S., Canada, and the Caribe and content resources for leaders who want to bring the power of the gospel to every part of life. We seek to catalyze and serve a North American wide movement of leaders who create new churches, new ventures, and new expressions of the gospel of Jesus Christ for the common good. We do this by developing leaders, planting churches, and investing in city networks.
Communitas International
Communitas International is a Global Church Planting organization catalyzing a movement of God. We start and shape communities of faith that love like Jesus in their neighborhoods. What the world is waiting to see is the people of God thinking and caring and acting like Jesus did when he was on earth. Are you looking for a way to be innovative to contextualize the Gospel unique to your calling? Communitas might be your answer. Are you looking for a culture of Kingdom seeking, grace oriented and people focused? Communitas might be your answer. Are you looking for a place who will champion your unique vision and resource you to bring it to fruition? Communitas might be the answer.
Compassion for Asia
Compassion for Asia does church planting in Nepal and India. This ministry is committed to take the gospel to the unreached and lost people in Himalaya region. It also runs children homes, elderly home and Bible college.
Converge is a movement of churches working to help people meet, know, and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide.
Converge Great Lakes
Our churches come together around something greater than a compelling mission. What brings us together is Christ’s completed work on the cross. Because of the cross, we have forgiveness from our past, power for our present and hope for our future. As a result, we converge around the cross to take what Christ has done for us and make it known to others. Our goal is to give every person the opportunity to hear the gospel, say “yes” to Jesus, grow in faith, be equipped to serve and be sent out. We want every person to experience a life-changing, personal relationship with Jesus. Converge Great Lakes is a Regional denominational network of Converge National, supporting its partnering churches in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Converge MidAmerica | Southeast | Caribbean
Converge MidAmerica is a movement of churches working to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. For over 165 years we’ve helped church planters like you bring life change to communities in the United States. We have a 92% success rate of planting healthy, life-giving churches. The task of planting a successful church is not easy. When you plant with Converge, you’ll be able to implement proven systems that will help increase the long-term success and health of your church plant so more people will have the opportunity to place their faith in Jesus. You’ll also receive: Practical training and resources to help you launch faster Financial resources and church planting grants $250 million loan fund for construction or building purchase Tested strategies contextualized to your model and community Personalized coaching and leadership development Pastor retirement plan More importantly, you’ll be part of a family with other experienced church planters and mentors to support you, enthusiastic partners who want to see you succeed.
Converge North Central
Converge North Central, a district of Converge, is a movement of churches in Minnesota and Iowa working to help people meet, know, and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches along with a world-class, robust camping and retreat ministry.
Convergence Movement
We are a global movement of leaders and organizations converging to transform, mentor, and disciple the nations through Christ-centered leadership. We are committed to harnessing the power of the emerging generation by modeling and establishing healthy relationships. We are gospel-centered, missionally focused, and relationally oriented. Convergence Network of Churches and Ministries is the division of our movement that trains, supports, and sends church planters to establish reproducing churches around the world.
Covenant Theological Seminary
The purpose of Covenant Theological Seminary is to glorify the Triune God by training his servants to walk in God's grace, minister God's Word, and equip God's people, all for God's mission. Its core values are Christ-centered ministry, biblical authority, grace foundation, relational emphasis, pastoral training, church leadership, and a Kingdom perspective. Training you for a Lifetime of Ministry Most people don't last in ministry because they feel frustrated and under-prepared. At Covenant Theological Seminary our unique whole-person training produces capable pastors and ministry leaders. The result is that you have an impact and can flourish for a lifetime of ministry while the church gets the faithful leadership it deserves. We accomplish this with an emphasis on pastor-scholar, whole-person training, engaging culture, and engaging life of mission. CTS has a church planting track honoring Dr. Philip and Rebecca Douglass' ministry of raising up church planters.
Crossover Global
Crossover Global, a church planting organization, desires to see God glorified by providing gospel access through the planting of multiplying churches among unreached people groups! Today Crossover Global serves in 34 countries, has five ministry bases in, Brazil, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Moldova, and the United States, and has planted thousands of churches among the unreached peoples of the world.
Cyclical INC
Cyclical INC is an interdenominational and international non-profit that is focused on faithful innovation. Cyclical INC exists to join God's love for the world, inspiring faithful innovation through the church. How do we accomplish this? We start churches. Lots of them. They are diverse, post-industrial, and driven by a passion for joining leaders, wherever they find themselves, to follow the Spirit of God in their particular context.
Cyclical PCC
Cyclical PCC is a church-planting support initiative within The Presbyterian Church in Canada, in partnership with Cyclical Inc. It is designed to encourage and equip churches, presbyteries, and individuals within the denomination to take first steps towards beginning new worshipping communities. Cyclical PCC operates by providing: Online Cohorts Discerning Missional Leadership Assessments Coaching Online and In-person training events
ECO Presbyterian
As ECO began, our desire was not simply to create another denomination, but to truly be a movement that recaptures the best of our Presbyterian and Reformed heritage to saturate our broken and hurting world with the transforming power of Jesus Christ.
Episcopal Diocese of Dallas
The Episcopal Diocese of Dallas is comprised of 65 parishes. Our diocese stretches north to the Oklahoma border, east to the Arkansas border, South to Corsicana, texas and West to Tarrant Count. We are over 11,000 members strong. We are a Communion Partner Diocese in the Anglican Communion upholding the faith defined in the Apostles Crees. We are passionate about planting churches and expanding the Kingdom of God. Our Diocesan Motto is "We are a Resurrection People, living out the call of the church to restore all people to unity with God and each other through Jesus Christ."
Ethnos Global Network
The Ethnos Network is an Association of Churches that looks to start new spaces for people to explore and connect with Jesus and what He is doing in our world. Our communities are uniquely called to live in and serve the urban areas surrounding major global universities. While the Network comes together for this purpose and is based on the values listed below, underneath it all is relationships: we come together because we love, believe in, and trust each other.
European Church Planting Partnership
Our purpose is to connect global churches to multiply new disciples, communities, and congregations throughout Europe. A church in rural Michigan can help to reach Turkish speaking Muslims in the Netherlands. An international congregation in the Middle East can reach out to Nepali speakers in Denmark. A congregation in Oklahoma can partner to reach international students in Hungary. We are an interdenominational, international, evangelical coalition of people who deeply care about the incredible adventure of renewing the church throughout Europe. We see Europe as a strategic priority in the pursuit of the great commission of Jesus, to go and make disciples of all nations. The European Church Planting Partnership is led by Doug and Dianne McClintic in partnership with RCA Global Mission. We are located in Central Europe and have been leading church planting efforts in the United States for 24 years and have been involved in European planting for over a decade.
Excel Leadership Network
Excel exists to support church planters and leaders. We strove to apply Acts 13 to today's church planting world: We spot high-level leaders; Set them up for success; Send them out; and support then through ten support systems/environments: Spiritual Vitality/Funding/Multiplying/Discovery/Vision Alignment/Training/Coaching/Caring/Creativity/Partnering. We have helped start over 500 churches in the last six years in the United States, Mexico, Candan, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Austria and Genrmany.
Exponential is a growing community of leaders committed to accelerating the multiplication of healthy, reproducing faith communities. We equip movement makers with actionable principles, ideas, and solutions. We are passionate about accelerating multiplication through movement makers!
Fellowship of European International Churches
Fellowship of European International Churches (FEIC) is a relational network comprised of congregations that minister to the unique opportunities, needs and challenges of international communities in European cites. Fellowship of European International Churches (FEIC) works in full cooperation with Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) and our national church partners to accelerate the work of the Gospel among Europe’s diverse international population. Fellowship of European International Churches (FEIC) is committed to: - Plant new churches - Position existing churches for strategic development - Partner with national churches to do international ministry
Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches - FIEC
FIEC is a growing network of independent Christian churches in Australia. It was formally established in 2010 and currently consists of 41 churches. FIEC exists to: - Plant and grow independent evangelical churches to reach Australia for Christ - Encourage FIEC churches to faithful and fruitful ministry - Facilitate regular fellowship and mutual support between FIEC churches - Share resources for planting and growing FIEC churches - Recruit, train, employ, and support leaders of FIEC churches - Help facilitate the movement of ministry leaders between FIEC churches - Promote the ministries of FIEC churches
ForCLT creates environments for Christian leaders throughout the city to convene together, build relationships and trust, and see how they may work together for the good of the city. We are a platform to connect all churches, denominations, nonprofits and organizations seeking unity and the transformation of the city. There are several networks throughout the Charlotte metro area including a church planting network.
Forge America
Forge America seeks to support, equip, and train churches and Christ-followers to live as an incarnation presence of the Kingdom in the places they live, work, and play. Through relational connection with our tribe, a person or organization can engage conversations around missional practice and topics. We have both formal and informal ways you can connect with us and join the conversation!
Foursquare Multiply East Central
As a network of pastors, planters, and kingdom-minded leaders, Foursquare Multiply seeks to train, network, and multiply the next generation of Foursquare churches across the East and Central United States. RESOURCE: Foursquare Multiply provides our Church Planters with a robust 2 year training roadmap to planting, as well as a program for our Network Partners to be trained in how to become a church planter multiplier. NETWORK: Three times a year, we gather in strategic cities across the East and Central US for two days of feasting, fellowship, worship, prayer, and training from some of the most catalytic church leaders both within and outside our movement. SUPPORT: Church planters receive an Advisory Team of fellow Multiply partners who help guide them as they develop and execute their project. As well as, if a planter is called to an area without a Foursquare presence, we help locate a church where they can incubate as they prepare to launch their own church project.
Foursquare Multiply West
Foursquare Multiply exists to accelerate the development of a new generation of church planters and the launch of healthy reproducing churches. We help planters identify their call to plant a church, provide them with essential tools and and training, and offer consistent coaching. We believe the power of the gospel is released among new people, in new places, through the birth of new communities of faith.
Fresh Expressions UK
The purpose of the charity is "to serve the fresh expressions movement and help it flourish”. We have identified four key activities which are vital in fulfilling this purpose. These are as follows: 1) To communicate the call of God’s missionary Holy Spirit enabling people and organisations to discern and respond to it; 2) To connect and network those who are, and yet to be, part of the fresh expressions movement; 3) To enable the resourcing of the movement, by providing and sustaining a framework that empowers practitioners and pioneers within the movement to co-create and resource one another; 4) To listen to the Spirit and speak prophetically to the church (in the UK and beyond) about the value and efficacy of contextual mission, telling stories and sharing research findings about fresh expressions of church.
Fresh Expressions US
Fresh Expressions is an initiative to generate new expressions of church for those who are not yet part of any church. We conduct in-person and virtual training for any church but have more experience with established denominations. We help them embrace important missional models and mindsets, and cultivate missional leaders in their midst.
Friends Of The Great Commission
We provide donor services and donor care. This includes providing official tax receipts and responding to donor concerns. • Each FGC Church Plant is assigned an Agent Representative who works as a liaison between them and FGC’s other departments. Your Agent Representative is the single point of contact for all communication and questions and they will do their best to help your church plant thrive. • With FGC Services Agreements, we keep meticulous records of ministry activity, revenue, and expenses to ensure financial transparency and accountability. Donor information and financial reports are easy to access using the DonorHub App provided by FGC. • We engage legal professionals to ensure we are operating within the U.S. government charity regulations. We also, engage financial professionals for annual audits to ensure financial accountability. • We take on the backend administration allowing our Church Planters to focus on ministry and the work of the Great Commission.
Fuller Church Planting Initiative
Fuller Seminary is an evangelical, multidenominational graduate institution committed to forming global leaders for kingdom vocations. More than 3,500 students from 90 countries and 110 denominations enroll in our programs annually. The Fuller Church Planting Initiative holistically forms global church planters to start diverse, gospel-centered, church-planting churches. We partner with networks,denominations, churches, and individuals to train planters through academic courses, non-academic certificates, online training, and learning cohorts.
Generate is the multiplication ministry of the Missionary Church but also partners with multiple other denominations and church multiplication networks. Generate is focused on the multiplication of disciples, churches, leaders and networks in fulfillment of the Great Commission. Generate primarily provides training, coaching and networking in a variety of models to help disciple multipliers and church planters fulfill the vision God has given them. Foundational to all our ministry is the multiplication of disciples to the fourth generation.
Generate Presbytery
Our heart and mission is to resource churches and leader so that we can see: 1) People come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ; 2) Growing as Disciples; 3) Courageous Leaders Raised; 4) And see churches planted and renewed. Generate Presbytery is a presbytery within the Synod of South Australia. That means we have oversight of ministers and pastors and congregations who have chosen to be in our presbytery. Currently comprised of 118 congregations and faith communities we are passionate about investing in the future of the church.
Geneva Push
Geneva Push is an Australian church planting network. We aim to inspire, equip and unleash a new generation of church planters & church planting couples committed to evangelising new churches into existence which become established healthy churches ready to plant new churches across Australia.
Global Church Planting Network
The Global Church Planting Network is network of primarily global south church planting initiatives. All GCPN members share the vision of a committed community of obedient disciple of Jesus within easy linguistic, social, ethnic, and geographic access of everyone on earth. Members recognize that the strategy required to realize this vision varies from one context to the another. Within GCPN, church planting strategies range from national initiatives such as European NC2P to rapidly reproducing house fellowships many within the Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim world. GCPN does not promote a specific global goal such as a church for every 1000 people. Rather GCPN members set their own goals depending upon local needs and context.
Global Cities Network
Global Cities Network exists to empower leaders and multiply churches for the gospel saturation and renewal of our global cities. As a church planting network, we plant churches for the saturation our global cities with the gospel, train leaders to prepare them as multipliers in the kingdom of God, and we promote missional innovation to sustain ministry and life in the city in the midst of changing cultural dynamics. We provide a church planting residency, coaching, relationships within the network, as well as connections with other organizations that can help prepare you to multiply in your city.
Global Fellowship
Our Mission is to make disciples and plant new churches in the least-reached regions of the world. We do this by building teams of local evangelists and cross-cultural missionaries committed to pioneering evangelism and discipleship. Everything we do is pointed towards direct evangelism and church planting. We are zealously committed to advancing the Gospel into places that have no access. We are passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus.
Great Commission Collective
The Great Commission Collective exists to Plant Churches and Strengthen Leaders both nationally and internationally. GCC inspires, educates and engages churches to strengthen leaders who plant churches. We focus on real outcomes, TOGETHER, through training, connection and care. We shepherd and support each pastor, encouraging growth through identifying and building healthy elderships in plurality. As a church planting network committed to healthy plurality leadership, GCC is eager to understand you and your church—where you are and where you're headed—and help you get there. We believe a healthy partnership is indispensable to church plants and church planters that flourish and endure. Please join us, as together we can do more to impact our world and our culture for Christ. We are all called to take the gospel into all the world. Some are called to go, some are called to build, some are called to plant, and all are called to give, support, and pray. When we give together, we make a greater kingdom difference for the glory of God. Will you commit to plant alongside us?
Greenhouse Movement
We are a movement within the Anglican church of North America following the Holy Spirit together for the spontaneous expansion of the church. We train leaders, multiply congregations and empower movements. Leaders: We believe all followers of Jesus can be missionaries. By raising up leaders, we can disciple them to develop their gifts for the multiplication of God’s church. Churches: We believe churches are a necessary part of evangelism. By planting churches, we can bring the light of Christ to all places and connect all people back to the larger body of Christ. Movements: We believe each church should be connected to a larger structure of leadership. By creating networks of churches, we can empower movements to bring awakening to our communities and our nation.
Harbor Network
For pastors and leaders, Harbor Network offers safety and support to launch, lead, and multiply thriving churches. We dream big and ask God to multiply our efforts, without sacrificing our values, our convictions, or the health of our churches and leaders for the sake of planting more churches. Together, we’re committed to the renewal of all things through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that when healthy leaders partner together, they find the safety and support they need to launch, lead, and multiply thriving churches.
Heartland New Worshiping Communities
Heartland Presbytery (PCUSA) supports nontraditional and new spiritual communities (or what we call New Worshiping Communities), in the greater Kansas City area. Our New Worshiping Communities Director and Commission help church planters connect to local and national resources and offer support through regular community meet-ups, partnerships with established churches, small grants and more.
Houston Church Planting Network
There are several networks, denominations, and churches committed to planting churches in the Houston area. HCPN serves as a network of networks where leaders and planters from different groups come together to share best practices and cooperate to reach the city. The focus of HCPN is on church planters. The belief is that healthy churches are planted by healthy church planters, leaders and teams. We are committed to strengthening church planters through resources, coaching, and connecting planters to one another. In order to impact a growing city like Houston there must be a commitment to multiplication. Our heart is to see exponential growth of church planters, churches, and networks committed to starting new churches. We are committed to giving every man, woman, and child the opportunity to respond to Jesus by seeing new churches started throughout the city that will impact every pocket of our diverse city.
Ignite Church Network
We identify and coach Millennial and Gen Z church planters to build Jesus communities that will start a multiplication movement that produces life transformation and reproduces churches.
Ignite Church Planting
Ignite starts churches in the Chicagoland region. Our roots are in the Restoration Movement and we start independent Christian Churches, which operate autonomously. We have been starting churches for over 100 years in this region.
Ignite Network
We're a small collection of missional communities based in Dublin. Most groups are based out of our community centre called Urban Junction but others are in neighbourhoods nearby. The Communities are made up of believers serving different needs in their communities while learning and growing together as a group. We meet all together too, mostly on Sundays.
International Network of Churches
INC is an Australian born Pentecostal denomination established in 1974 with a vision "To Reach our World for Christ" through the planting of new churches. We now have over 1000 churches across the world. Our mission to is make disciples, empower leaders and multiply healthy local churches.
KC Underground
The KC Underground is creating a network of reproducing disciples, leaders, microchurches, collectives and Hubs that will saturate Kansas City with beauty, justice and good news. We believe God’s people are made for more. It is the birthright of every child of God to be a loving missionary and disciple-maker where they live, work, learn and play. Our aim is to plant the gospel in networks of relationships across the city, see disciples made and witness the church emerge in new contexts. We love the Western church, but hope for more than Sunday morning worship and middle-class Christianity. We want to see the Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. In other words, we want to find every place where we don’t see the Kingdom of God flourishing and bring it. Wherever we see the Kingdom, we want to expand the borders. Our dream is to see a missionary on every street and microchurch in every neighborhood so that every woman, man, girl and boy can hear, see and experience the gospel.
Kentucky Baptist Convention
The Kentucky Baptist Convention is created by churches, by churches, to help churches reach Kentucky and the world for Christ.
Launch is a 10-month experience in Scotland designed to provide next-generation training for church planting and missional leadership. Through multi-day residencies, single-day visits to innovative ministry sites, midweek cohort check-ins, individual coaching and practical engagement with a church plant or project in Scotland, Launch participants will be equipped to lead team-based, missional new churches anywhere in the world. Why Scotland? While about half of Scots identify as Christian, less than 10% attend church regularly and are actively pursuing their Christian faith, coinciding with increases in rates of alcoholism, depression, suicide, social isolation, and institutional mistrust; and a growing sense of hopelessness and apathy. Launch participants will learn creative approaches to sharing the hope of the Gospel in a truly post-Christian context. Starting in Fall 2024, you will join Scotland-based participants through June 2025. Your participant cost is £2000.00, not including living and personal travel expenses. You will be expected to raise your own support. You will be offered a homestay throughout Launch, near your ministry site. Applications are due by end of November 2023. To apply, go to Questions? Call 863-608-0289 or email
Living Church
Living Church is a family or network of house churches in the Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky region. We are a people committed to making disciples who know Christ, live Christ, and make Christ known multiplying house churches locally and globally for the glory of God.
Mercy Road Church Network
The Mercy Road family of churches was planted in 2011. We have embraced a "location-to-plant" model. We send significant resources, finances, and social capital to reach new Christians with the Gospel through new churches. Each location shares the Mercy Road Church name, vision, and values; however, the goal is within 3-5 years each location becomes a separate church and legal entity. Our vision is true multiplication (we are church planters), not a long-term campus model. Are you an extremely high level leader who wants to plant a thriving church that embraces micro-churches and large gathers, as well as gives 50% of it's total giving "outside the walls" of the church? The Mercy Road family of churches is for you! We are currently four churches in the state of Indiana and hope to plant the fifth church in 2021 in Anderson, Indiana. We are interested in planting churches around the United States. We'd love to meet you and pray where God may lead us all!
Metro Atlanta Collective
Metro Atlanta Collective is cultivating a network of leaders who plant, strengthen, and renew churches throughout Atlanta. Our vision is to glorify God and help Atlanta flourish through a movement of gospel-centered, healthy, multiplying churches.
Mid-Kentucky Presbytery
Mid-Kentucky Presbytery is the regional expression of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) encompassing 46 congregations in 29 counties in central Kentucky. Mid-Kentucky Presbytery seeks a missional leader with an entrepreneurial spirit to develop a faith-based startup in suburban Louisville, Kentucky. The leader will be a lover of Jesus who is enthusiastic about embodying the kin-dom of God and the character of Christ in the everyday spaces and places of life. The sweet spot of this project is to foster an experience of community and hospitality that expresses the love of God. The Presbytery has set aside funds and preliminary ideas for developing community and is looking for the leader who will fully develop and implement a mission/business plan. This position has lots of room for creativity and growth and will be significantly shaped by the personality and passion of the leader.
Missio Madison
Missio Madison is a cohort training experience for local missional practitioners. We exist to provide a community in which followers of Jesus can collaboratively exegete our place--Madison--and discern God's call into fresh forms of Christian community and mission. Our vision is to cultivate a community of local ecumenical kinship, discernment and collaboration. Missio Madison cohorts gather monthly from September to April for training and conversation. Participants also meet monthly with a team coach and other fellows to lean in to their growing edges. Altogether, including reading a book and regular experiments, fellows will invest 10-15 hours per month into this experience. In October and March, cohorts experience overnight retreats for renewal and discernment.
Mission Alive
Mission Alive equips leaders to develop innovative communities of faith focused on transforming marginalized communities.
Mission Anabaino
Anchored by Christ Presbyterian Church in New Haven, CT, we are a Church Planting Network and Theological Collaborative in Mission Ecclesiology committed to strategically targeting locations needing church planting movements informed by a "Total Christ" understanding of the church, which we define as Gospel Centered (a covenantal, “high gospel” spirituality), Missionally Present (a Temple, “high Church” spirituality and ecclesiology), Confessional (Christ our Prophet), Sacramental (Christ our Priest), and Communal (Christ Our King). Founded in 2013, MA has planted 20+ churches around the world and is committed to planting at least three more in Southern Connecticut. We are actively involved with defining and executing church planting strategy; encouraging, coaching and supporting planters; recruiting, assessing, and developing interns; fostering a church planting culture; and cultivating and allocating financial and other resources toward "Total Christ" church planting.
Mission Igniter
Mission Igniter is a church planting incubator that provides the support, financial assistance, and technical help to birth and develop churches to maturity. The environment and structure of an incubator provides space for new ideas to be tried and provides for mutual collaboration and support from both seasoned leaders and others currently launching new churches. Mission Igniter is Multiplying apostolic leaders and churches for a movement of multiplication!
Mission to North America
Mission to North America (MNA) is the church planting arm of the PCA denomination.
Multiply Indiana
Multiply Indiana is a complementary church planting network dedicated to planting churches in Indiana alongside existing national/global networks. We are a church planting network aimed at reaching the entire state of Indiana for Christ. We exist to provide additional financial, social, coaching, mentoring, facility, & entrepreneurial resources from successful local church plants to help new Indiana church plants successfully reach the un-churched.
Multiply New Zealand
Multiply exists to identify, enable, and unleash missional leaders to evangelise churches into existence across denominations, throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. To help more and more churches that love Jesus, His Word and His people start and grow, all around New Zealand. We do this in two ways: Firstly, we provide a network of churches and fellowship of trainers who are committed to seeing their church members thoroughly trained for gospel work. We provide a training framework and training days for the apprentices and their trainers. Secondly, we provide a conference to encourage church-planting, assessment for potential planters, and coaching for those undertaking a church plant. These two prongs to our ministry leads to a fellowship of likeminded churches and individuals from a range of backgrounds who are committed to a common gospel cause. God has used church planting throughout history to reach different groups of people with His Gospel. Let’s continue that strategy!
Multiply Vineyard
The Vineyard is a movement of 550+ congregations in the U.S. and 2400+ churches around the globe birthed 40 years ago with a dream to follow Jesus, embrace his kingdom, and reproduce healthy local churches that engage our communities with hope and healing. We combine a welcoming of the Holy Spirit with the authority of the Bible, outward action with inward spiritual formation all toward multiplying disciples of Jesus and churches that will do it again and again. We embrace a variety of diverse and creative methods of reproducing healthy churches so that we can join with what God is doing in every town and with all kinds of people. We are all about equipping and supporting the women and men who are called to lead these churches.
MULTIPLYNAZ - Church of the Nazarene
By building agenda harmony among local churches over decades, the Church of the Nazarene has expanded exponentially, now in 160+ countries. Weekly, Nazarenes start 27 new churches and have 2,872 new people join as members. The movement has been multiplying at this rate every week for the last 10 years. Our church minimums are worship, community, accountability and mission. This allows Nazarenes to multiply leaders, ministries and all kinds of churches in all kinds of places. MULTIPLYNAZ exists "to resource healthy, multiplying Nazarene churches and districts." There are now 481 districts globally. We welcome you to this movement of God through the people of God. We believe the day will come soon when 3,000 people will join the Nazarene movement every week (Acts 2:41), just like at Pentecost. We welcome all potential planters to get to know us. There is a place for you among us.
NETS Center for Church Planting and Revitalization
NETS trains and sends qualified men to plant and establish gospel-driven churches in New England and beyond, and equips others to do the same. We want to see gospel-proclaiming churches filled with real gospel life throughout the least churched regions of our nation and world. Our desire is that every NETS church succeed and reproduce, bearing gospel fruit for generations to come. We train men for the life of the church by training them to proclaim the real gospel message, which truly converts, transforms, and gives life. We support men for the life of the church by supporting them until, and long after, a church is established. We want to see gospel-proclaiming churches filled with real gospel life throughout the least churched regions of our nation and world. We send men out for the life of the church that her gospel lamp might continue to shine and increase in brightness until He comes.
New Church Development
New Church Development is a department of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church
New Church Development Commission, Inc.
Enriching lives through the development of new worshipping communities where faith and real life intersect.
New Church Ministry
New Church Ministry is a ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that trains, equips, assists, and multiplies emerging and affiliating congregations and leaders. The identity statement of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) states: “We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.”
New England Urban Church Planting
NEU Church Planting equips church planters to build sustainable, diverse, gospel-centered churches in New England's poorest urban neighborhoods. NEU provides contextualized training for the cross-cultural nature of inner city planting, and provides fund-raising coaching and support. Planters raise funds just as a missionary would. We do not expect our pastors to be bi-vocational, nor to be supported fully by the church. We provide a two-year pastoral apprentice program with hands-on mentoring, care, and guidance. We work in partnership with Acts 29 for pastoral assessments. We also draw on the resources of 20schemes, 9 Marks, Church in Hard Places, and the EFCA.
NewBreed Training
NewBreed is a training collective that provides planters with resources, relationships, and regional training. All of our training is based on APEST, aimed at teams, and geared for multiplication.
You want to multiply. We want to help. We exist to be a catalyst for movements of reproducing churches. We do this by coming alongside of Apostolic Leaders in order to help them launch a Network of reproducing churches.
North American Baptist Conference
The mission of the North American Baptist Conference of churches is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ at home and internationally. The NAB has four End Goals: 1. The NAB will be trained for missional ministries that flow out of being spiritually formed by who God is and who we are in God.
- Church multiplication
- Church planting
- Missional training based on who God is and who God is forming us to be in Jesus Christ
- Cross-cultural engagement
- Cross-cultural partnerships
- Engaging ethnic leaders
- Ongoing spiritual development
- Identifying and equipping emerging leaders
- Engaging emerging leaders
- Recruiting, sending, and supporting missionaries
- Strategic connections
- Church partnerships
North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church
We are the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church. Our conference covers the eastern half of the state of North Carolina (from Greensboro to the coast), and partners with 800 congregations in order to create new congregations and expressions of the United Methodist Church. You can find out more here:
Northeast Collaborative (NEC)
We empower pastors to lead and launch healthy churches. We're currently a small, micro-network of 30 partnering churches who are getting healthier together and supporting new church plants incrementally while we hope to do our own together in the future!
Oikos Australia
Oikos supports disciple making and simple church/house church in Australia and beyond. Oikos provides training and equipping, support and connection between disciple making practitioners and house churches.It is a voluntary based support organisation seeking to provide practical tools and approaches that can be used by anyone. It resources through the Oikos website a quarterly magazine, facebook site and through regional and national gatherings to connect, equip and support people seeking to partner with God in extending his Kingdom. Its ethos is relational, non hierarchical, participative, empowering and multiplying. It has a kingdom focus and is non denominational embracing people from many Christian backgrounds. We work and dream of seeing multiplying disciple making movements in this nation and in every location and people group.
Orchard Group
Orchard Group connects entrepreneurial leaders and generous partners in order to establish churches in cities. Born in New York City in 1948, Orchard Group has been planting churches in cities for more than 70 years. Are you a church planter? Orchard Group has your back: We share the fundraising burden with you. We build a partnership team to support you. We connect you with a peer network of other planters. We walk with you through the challenges until your church plant is fully established. Are you an investing church partner? Orchard Group makes multiplying your mission simple: You get top church planters and locations. You get new and maintained channels of accountability and support. You become meaningfully engaged. And you share with your congregation the stories of transformed lives.
Orchard Group
Orchard Group was born in New York City and has been been planting churches in metropolitan areas for over 70 years. We believe starting new churches is the best way to reach new residents, new people groups, and new generations with the Christian gospel. And we believe reaching people with the gospel is the best way to bring about enduring, positive change in our world.
Orchard NEO
Orchard NEO is a church-planting ministry of Christ Community Chapel. We have a vision to see every community in Northeast Ohio with a gospel-preaching church. The task of Orchard NEO is two-fold: First, we remove any barrier that would keep you from making your church-planting vision a reality. Second, we equip you to make it happen. Orchard NEO aims at raising up men passionate about reaching Northeast Ohio through local churches. We work alongside these planters to realize God’s vision for their role in this mission and train them to be as effective as possible. To accomplish our goal, we are committed to identifying, training, supporting, and deploying as many church planters as it takes to reach Northeast Ohio.
Pacific Church Network
We are a Network of 75 healthy Multiplying Churches in Southern California. We plant new churches in Southern California.
Pacific Conference
Birthed out of a Wesleyan-Arminian, German speaking, circuit riding church planter movement, the Pacific Conference believes deeply in a Holiness doctrine: both the reality of our call to walk in newness of life, living lives of personal holiness, as well as embracing the indwelling, empowering person and presence of God through Holy Spirit Himself. We are committed to following the Lord wherever he leads, and believe that healthy local churches multiply out, intentionally replicating the FUNCTION of the Church as we work out FORM in context. Closely connected with 24-7 Prayer International, we embrace their call to Prayer, Justice & Mission: being true to Jesus through prayer, worship & creativity - kind to others through hospitality & justice - and being loyal to the Gospel through mission & learning. The PacConf includes leaders that vary from the mildly charismatic through Wesleyan-Holiness to light Reformed folk. We say YES to the Lord. Might He be partnering us together?
Pacific Southwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church
The PSWC is a regional arm of the Evangelical Covenant Church, the most multiethnic denomination in North America. We are committed to planting in urban, under resourced, multiethnic, suburban and rural contexts. We are a centered set denomination, meaning we believe that with Jesus at the center people can self identify as to whether they are a good fit with us or not. We affirm orthodoxy, but hold loosely the non essentials. We are specifically egalitarian, evangelical, mission driven, and are committed to the multiethnic mosaic that has flourished through church planting.
Pacific Southwest District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
As Lutherans we hold to the essentials of the Christian faith: We believe that God in Trinity saves us by grace through a Spirit led faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that the whole of Scripture is our sole source and norm of all doctrine and teaching. We believe that the Church is the living body of Jesus Christ on earth, and that the congregations of our Synod walk together in doctrine and practice. Each congregation is locally governed, striving to create ministry that is culturally and contextually connected to their unique community. We believe in the giftedness of the priesthood of all believers and celebrate the unique ministry call of each and every Christian soul. The Pacific Southwest District of the LCMS consists of 300 congregations and 150 schools in Southern California, Arizona and Southern Nevada. We are focused on planting new ministries, congregations and schools to meet the needs of our diverse communities with the love of Jesus Christ.
Passion for Planting
We are the church planting ministry of New Life Christian Church, a local congregation. For over 20 years we've equipped church planting leaders like you to plant healthy, multiplying churches. Our strategy is to: • Help planters discover their aptitude, calling, and readiness for church planting (Assessment) • Train church planters on best practices and the practical nuts & bolts of church planting (Distance Residency Cohort and Boot Camp) • Work alongside planters to help develop and implement plans and strategies during their startup (Project Management) • Coach planters through leadership and strategical challenges (Coaching) • Deliver practical tools to help planters accomplish their mission (PlanterPlan church planting checklist app and free church planting strategy templates)
Passion2Plant Network
Passion2Plant is a bridge-building support network in that we provide a bridge to church assessment organizations, educate from a BIPOC perspective, equip planters/pastors to plant well in urban communities utilizing the knowledge and scholarship from people on the margins and provide on-going support through credentialing and events that encourage the soul of the planter/pastor.
Path 1 is the church planting department for the United Methodist mainline denomination.
Petros Network
Petros Network exists to empower transformational leaders to lift their communities through spiritual, social, and economic solutions. We work across organizational boundaries to train leaders, plant churches, and through those faith communities create Redemptive Lift. We are currently active in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Myanmar, and Portland, Oregon. We plant reproducing churches among unreached people groups in rural communities.
Pillar Network
The Pillar Network is a community of SBC & International Baptist Churches that are doctrinally aligned, missionally-driven, & committed to equipping, planting & revitalizing churches, TOGETHER. Pillar churches share a common DNA: 1) GOSPEL PROCLAMATION: We proclaim the gospel of our Sovereign Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; 2) BIBLE-BASED: We submit to the Bible as our final authority in all matters of belief and life; 3) LIVE EXPOSITION: We promote live, expository preaching to equip the church; 4) ELDER-LED: We encourage churches to be led by a plurality of male elders/pastors; 5) CONFESSIONALLY BAPTISTIC: We cooperate as Southern Baptists too fulfill the Great Commission; 6) KINGDOM MINDED: We commit to kingdom multiplication through church planting and revitalization.
Plant 4 Harvest
P4h raises up healthy leaders who lead in healthy churches among the least, the last, and the lost.
Plant Fort Worth
CHURCHES MULTIPLYING CHURCHES TO SATURATE GREATER FORT WORTH WITH THE GOSPEL TOGETHER. Jesus’ commission to the church was to make disciples, to baptize them, and to teach them to observe all that he commanded. Jesus’ mission for us was, essentially, to plant the Gospel in the city and to plant churches of Gospel-formed people. The Apostle Paul understood this clearly and dedicated his life to the planting of churches in the major cities of his region. This is why a leading missiologist like C. Peter Wagner can say, “Planting new churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under heaven.” Most Christians at one point or another have felt a great desire for God to use them; a longing to see God flex in mighty ways. As well, most of us have a sense of what is broken around us: the idols and injustices of the city, the sins and longings of our friends and neighbors, the anxieties and emptiness on our campuses and in our offices— and we want to see the glory and grace of Jesus come to bear on these broken places. The saturation of churches on mission, a people who love Jesus and love Fort Worth, is the answer for the Gospel renewal of a city. THUS, WE ARE COMMITTED TO PLANT CHURCHES FOR FORT WORTH AND FROM FORT WORTH, TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!
Plant SoCal
We are the church planting department of the SoCal Network Assemblies of God. We plant churches in Southern California, across the United States, and internationally. Plant SoCal works with a number of partners to assess, train and then fund planters.
Proxemia is a grace-centered community with an emphasis on small groups and common interests. We believe in mentoring as a form of discipleship and utilize our network to connect individuals for virtual and in-person events. We are comfortable online and utilize media resources such as podcasts, e-books, and other resources to share our mission. We have 2 established small groups and meet regularly for Bible study every week. We currently host 1-2 virtual events per month and are expanding our programming every quarter.
Reformed Church in America
The Reformed Church in America (RCA) has both a rich, nearly 400 year history, and a vibrant goal to plant 1,000 churches that will reach 100,000 new disciples by 2038. While centered in North America, we are now also planting in international locations like Nepal, South America, Dominican Republic and Europe. In order to support an average of 1 new plant per week, we have formed strategic partnerships with planting experts like Lifeway, Stadia, PlanterPlan, Fresh Expressions and MissionInsite for planter and site assessment, coaching, training and project management tools. We have micro plants located in rural and urban settings, classic church plants and multiplication centers with several sites of varying sizes. The RCA celebrates the gifts of both women and men as planters and a large percentage of our planters are people of color. We have colleagues who are available to help with discipleship pathways, leadership development and local mission engagement.
Reliant Mission
Reliant partners with missional churches and Gospel-centered ministries to mobilize support-based workers for the Great Commission. We partner with and serve church planters, non-profit ministries, and established churches to mobilize support-based church planters and missionaries. Whether you are a sending church or an individual called by God to start an independent ministry, financial resources, and employment services are a need. Our team includes seasoned church planters and support-based missionaries who have the opportunity to train, equip, and coach in support raising for the unique nuances that church planting and independent ministries present. Our training and coaching pair with fantastic employment services and benefits to provide healthy sustainability as new churches and ministries start for the Lord. If you are an organization looking to send church planters, an established church with a desire to raise new leaders, or an independent church planter seeking to be established through support raising, contact us today!
Renew Movement
Renew Movement is a community of collaborating planters, churches, and networks committed to the idea that churches plant churches (institutions don't). Our six distinctives define our unique culture: theologically-centered, disciple-making, reproduction, healthy support for planters, accountability, and collaboration. We mobilize planters into collaborating networks of church planting churches who provide the funding, equipping, relational support, and ongoing accountability necessary to plant Biblically sound, disciple making churches. We provide shared infrastructure support and proven systems to keep those collaborating churches focused on relationships. Planting collaboratively allows any church aligned with Renew Movement to be involved in church planting. If God is calling you to start or collaborate in a Biblically sound, disciple-making church, we can help. Renew Movement is here to come alongside you in the journey. You’re one decision away from getting involved in church planting.
Resonate Global Mission (Christian Reformed Church in North America)
Resonate Global Mission, a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church, is bringing the gospel to people, neighborhoods, communities, churches, and the world. We want to see Christians everywhere participating in God’s mission and faithfully proclaiming and living out the good news of Jesus. Through planting churches, sending missionaries, and engaging students through campus ministry and international schools, we embolden churches in their work of fulfilling the Great Commission to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. In partnership with over 1000 Christian Reformed congregations in the US and Canada, we equip missional leaders, guide new church development, and partner with churches and ministries worldwide. Our name, Resonate, means striking a chord or causing an expanding, amplifying sound. A sound that resonates is deep, clear, builds over time, and goes out in every direction. The world is at our doorstep. Let’s resonate mission in our neighborhood and around the world. For m
Restoration House Ministries
Restoration House Ministries seeks to transform the spiritual landscape of the six New England States by planting and nurturing reproducing churches. New England exists today as the most post-Christian region of the U.S. with only 5% of 15+million people espousing a biblical, Christ-centered personal faith. Over 260 colleges and universities including Ivy League institutions such as Brown, Dartmouth, Harvard, and Yale exert global influence in the educational, financial, and political arenas. Ethnic diversity and international student populations provide opportunities for global impact. For nearly 25 years God has used RHM to plant churches who reach those who may have given up on church but not on God. God has blessed with an 18% annual growth of new believers in this fellowship of churches historically identified as the Restoration Movement (nondenominational fellowship of churches). Each plant is guided by a Partnership Team until indigenous elders are trained and appointed.
RIZE Church Planting Network
RIZE exists to recruit, equip, nurture and place a network of Asian church planters in growing/thriving Asian communities in strategic cities throughout the Pacific Rim and beyond!
Rural Home Missionary Association
RHMA's mission is to plant and strengthen churches in small-town America.
Rural Japan Church Planting Network
A network to connect, facilitate, and place short-term, mid-term, and long-term lead and assistant church planters and church planting interns with church plants underway or areas needing their first church, and introduce possible agencies. All unchurched areas in Japan are in rural areas, and 2/3 of rural small cities/towns/villages have no church. All are under 50,000 in population, and most under 20,000. In spite 170 years of Protestant mission work in Japan, most these rural unchurched areas have had no sustained outreach attempt in their history, and as a result have no churches and often no or at most a few Christians. We also help lead church planters connect with one another for idea exchange and mutual encouragement, as well as provide various resources, trainings/seminars, conferences, and retreat opportunities. Maps of all unchurched areas are downloadable from our website. Learn more about RJCPN at
SALT Churches
Our mission is to Go and make disciples of every kind of person, baptizing them in repentance into the family of God, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commands us. Preach the Gospel. Make disciples that make disciples. Plant multiplying churches.
Saturate seeks to be a catalyst for the gospel movement happening in North America and beyond. We equip everyday disciples to proclaim Jesus, be the Church, and participate in his mission until every woman, man, and child has a daily encounter with Jesus. We choose kingdom wins over egos, logos, and silos by uniting churches, organizations, and denominations for the vision of seeing gospel saturation. We do this in part by equipping everyday disciples, leaders, and pastors for gospel saturation, through online and in-person events, and by facilitating collaborative and regionalized residences across North America and beyond. One residency helps church leaders discern the right fit for their residents on a planting team; the other helps church leaders understand and implement proven church-planting competencies.
Send Institute
The Send Institute is a think tank for evangelism and church planting in North America. We provide dependable research, content, and learning communities for church planting leaders as they create more effective church planting strategies for today and tomorrow. What are Our Driving Questions? ○ What kinds of churches are being started today? ○ Who is starting them and how? ○ What kinds of churches are needed for tomorrow? ○ Who will start them and how?
Soma Family of Churches
We’re a family of churches. We make disciples, strengthen one another, and plant churches of Missional Communities towards Gospel Saturation…until every man, woman, and child has a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed. We do this in part by equipping everyday disciples, leaders, and pastors for gospel saturation, through online and in-person events, and by facilitating collaborative and regionalized residences across North America and beyond. One residency helps church leaders discern the right fit for their residents on a planting team; the other helps church leaders understand and implement proven church-planting competencies.
Stadia Church Planting
Stadia is a non-denominational ministry serving various denominations, networks and Christian leaders as a platform for multiplication, globally & locally through church planting & multi-site support, including leadership development through supported residency opportunities & assessment based development plans. Stadia's services & support are offered to church planters for free, and can complement resources provided by other organizations. Planters already or considering working with others are encouraged to consider adding Stadia to their collaborative support team. Stadia can provide: bookkeeping, project management, family support, 501c3 filing, articles of incorporation & EIN establishment, along with exceptional coaching, training & assessment. Stadia provides support with no-strings attached (no financial obligation) to facilitate Kingdom collaboration, through the generosity of Christians committed to seeing the Kingdom come through the local church.
Surge Network
The Surge Network is a movement of local churches putting Jesus on display by equipping, reconciling, and activating God’s people in Arizona. Surge is a collaborative partnership of many local congregations throughout Arizona. We are not a parachurch or a separate nonprofit, but are a family of local pastors and church leaders committed to serving the church in Arizona alongside one another. Our leadership, financial support, and mission is all carried out through the many local congregations involved.
Texas Baptists
Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture, and connecting the nations to Jesus. Our driving passion is to follow the LORD’s call to fulfill the Great Commission “to share Christ” and the Great Commandment “to show love.” The Great Commission and the Great Commandment form the two “GCs,” or GC2. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded Christians across Texas and beyond through this exciting organic movement. SUMMARY OF FAITH THE GC2 MOVEMENT AFFIRMS That there is one God who is revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; That Jesus Christ is the Head of the church; The virgin birth of Christ, the eternal Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, was resurrected the third day, ascended to heaven, and is coming back; That the Bible is God’s Word and truth without mixture of error; That salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone; The Priesthood of every believer and of all believers; The urgent need to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus; The sanctity of human life from conception to natural death; That gender is a gift from God, at birth, who creates every person, of every race, male or female, in the Divine image and likeness; That all people, fearfully and wonderfully made by God, have inherent dignity and inestimable worth and are to be treated with Christlike love; That biblical marriage is one man and one woman in a covenant relationship with the Lord and with one another; That the ordinances of the church are the Lord’s Supper and believer’s baptism; The autonomy of the local church in governance and ordination.
The City Network
We are a geographically based church planting network building capacity for church multiplication across the Treasure Valley of Southwest Idaho and beyond. Our organization is committed to raising up church planters, supporting church plants through local partnerships and residencies, and supporting church planters with mentoring, relationships, training and equipping for being a church plant that plants churches. We are inter-denominational, supported broadly by many different traditions and work hard to promote church unity through shared mission in our communities.
The Crete Collective
We exist to support, revitalize and plant churches in neglected Black and Brown neighborhoods.
The Ecclesia Network
Ecclesia is a relational fellowship of leaders, churches, and local networks embracing the historical, orthodox way of Jesus, and together advancing the Gospel in a post-church era.
The Equipping Group
The Equipping Group exists to come alongside churches & organizations, to serve leaders, shape cultures, & train planters for fruitful, gospel-infused mission & ministry in our ever-changing context. We provide engaging resources and multi-faceted training, to train everyday disciples of Jesus, ministry leaders, and church planters to live out Jesus’ good news, in community and on mission, for the glory of God and the expansion of his kingdom. This includes (among other endeavors) two different ministry residencies, and advising/coaching for church planters. Discipleship happens both in the everyday lives of Jesus' followers as they discover who he created them to be, and also as churches create cultures of health and sending — so The Equipping Group creates and curates accessible content to bolster your life, mission, and ministry. We are not a network or denomination; we are simply a “training collective,” with fruitful and experienced practitioners who provide training and resources. We partner with local churches, organizations, and denominations like yours, to provide high-quality, hands-on trainings for your specific context and needs.
The Fresh Start Initiative : United Brethren Church Planting
The Fresh Start Initiative is the church planting focus of the United Brethren Church. Since the beginning of the United Brethren in Christ, we have been a pioneering movement that focused on unity and our ability to work together over differences that divided many Christians. We have a long history of starting new churches in new places to connect new people to Jesus but for the last few decades that work has slowed. We sense the time is right to rekindle that pioneering spirit and therefore we have started the Fresh Start Initiative. As a denomination we are "family" first, we care about the heart of the planter, we support new churches and we have freedom of expression in each local church. We are looking for potential planters to start these new churches and we would love the opportunity to get to know each other to see what God might have in store!
The Kairos Network
The Kairos Network is dedicated to training church planters and everyday Christians to plant churches and make disciples that connect the disconnected to Jesus in the places where they live, work, learn, and play. Many Christians feel deeply passionate about their faith yet feel insecure, even uncertain, about how to share faith with friends and neighbors in a culture that is not interested in the church. The old systems for outreach aren't working anymore. At the Kairos Network, we know what it's like to feel deeply passionate about your faith, yet feel insecure, even uncertain, about how to share faith with friends and neighbors in a culture that is not interested in church. The old outreach and church planting systems aren't working anymore, and it's hard to know where to turn for answers. We know that Jesus would be a huge blessing to our neighbors, but how do we share faith in a way that will be received and not immediately rejected? We are dedicated to developing resources that you can use in your context for your context. Whether you are a church planter or an average Christian, we are confident that if you dig into the simple resources and training we have, you will feel equipped and confident to share your faith, make disciples, and plant churches that will impact in the places you live, work, learn and play with the gospel.
The Nineveh Network
What if there was a network of church planters and practitioners who were authentically committed to one another? What if this network cared about you, not just as a planter, but as a person? What if they weren't driven by a model or template, but guided by the Spirit in your context? What if they provided a clear process without unnecessary hoops to jump through? What if they were open to linking arms with other organizations to increase Kingdom impact? Would you be interested? We are a network of leaders and churches on mission to multiply more disciple-making leaders and churches for the glory of God. The Nineveh Network is the church planting arm of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, a denomination believing strongly in the autonomy of each local church. We come from different backgrounds, and while solidly committed to the essential doctrines of the Christian faith, we embrace diversity in many areas where Christians have tended to disagree.
The Pando Collective
We are a network of missional, micro expressions of the Kingdom. We equip, resource, train, and support various expressions of church, whether house churches, missional business models, organizations for social and community good, schools, etc... We exist as a larger framework of smaller expressions, providing whatever is needed, from simple relationship support to in-depth training, and at times financial seed capital. Our focus is primarily Colorado Springs, Colorado but we do have some partnerships around the state and internationally. We operate as an extension of Forge Colorado Springs.
The Salt Network
The Salt Network is a family of churches who love college students and partner together to steward the ministry of The Salt Company and plant churches in major university centers. We believe college students are the current and future leaders of our world, and we believe reaching them enables us to reach the world.
Underground Network
The Underground is an experimental community pursuing change in the church and mission in the world. We are a place for innovative ideas, deep leadership community, and fearless pursuit of Jesus and his cause. We want to see every-day believers empowered to respond to their calling to be the church. Everything we do is aimed to unlock the church's potential to create an empowering missional culture to send and serve lay-missionaries. We exist to inspire, engage, connect and empower missional people, churches and networks. We believe firmly that people make up the church, not buildings or budgets, or even leaders. When believers work together in sincere worship and genuine community to accomplish a part of the mission of God, they are the church.
V3 Church Planting Movement
V3 is a grassroots interdenominational church planting movement that provides training, tools and a tribe, for people who desire to plant churches that embody a missional theology and a movement ecclesiology. We are passionate about helping men and women start churches that value tight-knit community, life-forming discipleship, a locally-rooted presence, and boundary-crossing mission. We seek to help each other live by faith, possess a stubborn hope, and embody a sacrificial love for each other, so that we might be a sign, foretaste and instrument of God’s coming kingdom.
Vision Ministries Canada
Vision Ministries Canada was established in 1992 to spark new independent church planting, particularly amongst the Christian/Plymouth Brethren in Canada. These days we plant about one church/month, network together about 200 independent churches across the country, and have a secondary focus on helping churches and leaders thrive. We've partnered with 20+ denominations and networks, and our plants and planters are no longer defined by where we come from, but by a common vision to be part of the mission of God in Canada. Fully 1/4 of the churches in our network have been planted by "New Canadians".
World Impact, Inc
World Impact empowers urban leaders and partners with local churches to reach their cities with the Gospel — extending the truth, love, grace and justice of God in the city. We believe that the best way to change our world is the hope of the Gospel in our cities. The best way to declare that hope is to partner with denominations, networks, and local church leaders. And the best way to partner with them is through relationships. Our roots go back 50 years with evangelistic kids' clubs — from Los Angeles, California, to Wichita, Kansas, and beyond. As the children we reached grew up, we saw the need for urban churches and the empowerment of church leaders to continue to transform their communities from within.World Impact is perfectly positioned to train urban church leaders. World Impact champions the ability of the urban poor to own and lead ministry. We believe in the power of community insiders.
Zoe Toronto
Zoe Toronto is a network of microchurches in Toronto, Canada. We are a member of both the Underground Network and the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada. We raise up passionate Jesus followers and equip them to serve and start microchurches which embody the love of Jesus together in every corner of Toronto and beyond.