
What if there was a network of church planters and practitioners who were authentically committed to one another?
What if this network cared about you, not just as a planter, but as a person?
What if they weren’t driven by a model or template, but guided by the Spirit in your context?
What if they provided a clear process without unnecessary hoops to jump through?
What if they were open to linking arms with other organizations to increase Kingdom impact?

Would you be interested?

We are a network of leaders and churches on mission to multiply more disciple-making leaders and churches for the glory of God. The Nineveh Network is the church planting arm of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, a denomination believing strongly in the autonomy of each local church. We come from different backgrounds, and while solidly committed to the essential doctrines of the Christian faith, we embrace diversity in many areas where Christians have tended to disagree.

Organization Type: Denomination


Canada and United States


Urban, Suburban, and Rural

Characteristics of Partner Churches

Theological Traditions

Anabaptist, Baptist, Evangelical, Lutheran, Non-denominational, Reformed, Restoration, and Wesleyan/Methodist

Stance on Women in Ministry

Complementarian and Egalitarian

Stance on Sexual Ethics


Planting Models

All models

Worship Styles

Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other

Support Offered

  • Assessment
  • Coaching and/or Mentoring
  • Ongoing community/peer support
  • Conferences, Seminars, and Gatherings
  • Courses and Cohort Training
  • Residency and Internship Opportunities
  • Funding
  • Admin support