Multiply exists to identify, enable, and unleash missional leaders to evangelise churches into existence across denominations, throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. To help more and more churches that love Jesus, His Word and His people start and grow, all around New Zealand.
We do this in two ways: Firstly, we provide a network of churches and fellowship of trainers who are committed to seeing their church members thoroughly trained for gospel work. We provide a training framework and training days for the apprentices and their trainers. Secondly, we provide a conference to encourage church-planting, assessment for potential planters, and coaching for those undertaking a church plant.
These two prongs to our ministry leads to a fellowship of likeminded churches and individuals from a range of backgrounds who are committed to a common gospel cause.
God has used church planting throughout history to reach different groups of people with His Gospel. Let’s continue that strategy!
Organization Type: Network
Australasia (Aus, NZ and Pacific Islands)
Urban, Suburban, and Rural
Characteristics of Partner Churches
Theological Traditions
Anglican, Baptist, Evangelical, Lutheran, Non-denominational, and Reformed
Stance on Women in Ministry
Stance on Sexual Ethics
Planting Models
Traditional Launch, Multisite, and Missional / Incarnational
Worship Styles
Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other