Generate Pres AUS - Small

Our heart and mission is to resource churches and leader so that we can see: 1) People come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ; 2) Growing as Disciples; 3) Courageous Leaders Raised; 4) And see churches planted and renewed.

Generate Presbytery is a presbytery within the Synod of South Australia. That means we have oversight of ministers and pastors and congregations who have chosen to be in our presbytery. Currently comprised of 118 congregations and faith communities we are passionate about investing in the future of the church.

Organization Type: Denomination


Australasia (Aus, NZ and Pacific Islands)


Urban, Suburban, Rural, and Other (e.g. Online)

Characteristics of Partner Churches

Theological Traditions

Evangelical and Wesleyan/Methodist

Stance on Women in Ministry


Stance on Sexual Ethics


Planting Models

All models

Worship Styles

Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other

Support Offered

  • Assessment
  • Coaching and/or Mentoring
  • Ongoing community/peer support
  • Conferences, Seminars, and Gatherings
  • Courses and Cohort Training
  • Residency and Internship Opportunities
  • Funding