The KC Underground is creating a network of reproducing disciples, leaders, microchurches, collectives and Hubs that will saturate Kansas City with beauty, justice and good news. We believe God’s people are made for more. It is the birthright of every child of God to be a loving missionary and disciple-maker where they live, work, learn and play. Our aim is to plant the gospel in networks of relationships across the city, see disciples made and witness the church emerge in new contexts.
We love the Western church, but hope for more than Sunday morning worship and middle-class Christianity. We want to see the Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. In other words, we want to find every place where we don’t see the Kingdom of God flourishing and bring it. Wherever we see the Kingdom, we want to expand the borders. Our dream is to see a missionary on every street and microchurch in every neighborhood so that every woman, man, girl and boy can hear, see and experience the gospel.
Organization Type: Network
All locations
Urban, Suburban, Rural, and Other (e.g. Online)
Characteristics of Partner Churches
Theological Traditions
All denominations and traditions
Stance on Women in Ministry
Complementarian and Egalitarian
Stance on Sexual Ethics
Traditional, Progressive, and Mediating position
Planting Models
House Church, Micro Church, and Missional / Incarnational
Worship Styles
Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other