The Pillar Network is a community of SBC & International Baptist Churches that are doctrinally aligned, missionally-driven, & committed to equipping, planting & revitalizing churches, TOGETHER. Pillar churches share a common DNA:
1) GOSPEL PROCLAMATION: We proclaim the gospel of our Sovereign Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;
2) BIBLE-BASED: We submit to the Bible as our final authority in all matters of belief and life;
3) LIVE EXPOSITION: We promote live, expository preaching to equip the church;
4) ELDER-LED: We encourage churches to be led by a plurality of male elders/pastors;
5) CONFESSIONALLY BAPTISTIC: We cooperate as Southern Baptists too fulfill the Great Commission;
6) KINGDOM MINDED: We commit to kingdom multiplication through church planting and revitalization.
Organization Type: Network
Africa, Asia, Australasia (Aus, NZ and Pacific Islands), Canada, Europe, Mexico, South America, and United States
Urban, Suburban, and Rural
Characteristics of Partner Churches
Theological Traditions
Baptist and Reformed
Stance on Women in Ministry
Stance on Sexual Ethics
Planting Models
Traditional Launch, Missional / Incarnational, and Other
Worship Styles
Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other