Fresh Expressions UK

The purpose of the charity is “to serve the fresh expressions movement and help it flourish”.

We have identified four key activities which are vital in fulfilling this purpose.

These are as follows:
1) To communicate the call of God’s missionary Holy Spirit enabling people and organisations to discern and respond to it;
2) To connect and network those who are, and yet to be, part of the fresh expressions movement;
3) To enable the resourcing of the movement, by providing and sustaining a framework that empowers practitioners and pioneers within the movement to co-create and resource one another;
4) To listen to the Spirit and speak prophetically to the church (in the UK and beyond) about the value and efficacy of contextual mission, telling stories and sharing research findings about fresh expressions of church.

Organization Type: Network


Europe and Online


Urban, Suburban, Rural, and Other (e.g. Online)

Characteristics of Partner Churches

Theological Traditions

All denominations and traditions

Stance on Women in Ministry


Stance on Sexual Ethics

Traditional, Progressive, and Mediating position

Planting Models

Multisite, House Church, Micro Church, and Missional / Incarnational

Worship Styles

Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other

Support Offered

  • Coaching and/or Mentoring
  • Ongoing community/peer support
  • Conferences, Seminars, and Gatherings
  • Courses and Cohort Training