Generate MCUSA

Generate is the multiplication ministry of the Missionary Church but also partners with multiple other denominations and church multiplication networks. Generate is focused on the multiplication of disciples, churches, leaders and networks in fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Generate primarily provides training, coaching and networking in a variety of models to help disciple multipliers and church planters fulfill the vision God has given them. Foundational to all our ministry is the multiplication of disciples to the fourth generation.

Organization Type: Other Organization


All locations


Urban, Suburban, and Rural

Characteristics of Partner Churches

Theological Traditions

All denominations and traditions

Stance on Women in Ministry

Complementarian and Egalitarian

Stance on Sexual Ethics


Planting Models

All models

Worship Styles

Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other

Support Offered

  • Assessment
  • Coaching and/or Mentoring
  • Ongoing community/peer support
  • Conferences, Seminars, and Gatherings
  • Courses and Cohort Training
  • Admin support