Send Institute

The Send Institute is a think tank for evangelism and church planting in North America. We provide dependable research, content, and learning communities for church planting leaders as they create more effective church planting strategies for today and tomorrow.

What are Our Driving Questions?

○ What kinds of churches are being started today?
○ Who is starting them and how?
○ What kinds of churches are needed for tomorrow?
○ Who will start them and how?

Organization Type: Other Organization


Canada and United States


Urban, Suburban, Rural, and Other (e.g. Online)

Characteristics of Partner Churches

Theological Traditions

All denominations and traditions

Stance on Women in Ministry

Complementarian and Egalitarian

Stance on Sexual Ethics


Planting Models

All models

Worship Styles

Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other

Support Offered

  • Conferences, Seminars, and Gatherings
  • Courses and Cohort Training