By building agenda harmony among local churches over decades, the Church of the Nazarene has expanded exponentially, now in 160+ countries. Weekly, Nazarenes start 27 new churches and have 2,872 new people join as members. The movement has been multiplying at this rate every week for the last 10 years. Our church minimums are worship, community, accountability and mission. This allows Nazarenes to multiply leaders, ministries and all kinds of churches in all kinds of places. MULTIPLYNAZ exists “to resource healthy, multiplying Nazarene churches and districts.” There are now 481 districts globally. We welcome you to this movement of God through the people of God. We believe the day will come soon when 3,000 people will join the Nazarene movement every week (Acts 2:41), just like at Pentecost. We welcome all potential planters to get to know us. There is a place for you among us.
Organization Type: Denomination
Online and United States
Urban, Suburban, Rural, and Other (e.g. Online)
Characteristics of Partner Churches
Theological Traditions
Evangelical and Wesleyan/Methodist
Stance on Women in Ministry
Stance on Sexual Ethics
Planting Models
All models
Worship Styles
Liturgical, Contemporary, and Other