Johanna De Jonge
Visalia, California
$50-$79 / hour
With a background in business, art, community building, presence ministry, and church planting, I walk clients through guided, thought-provoking dialogue wherein decisions can be made with greater clarity, action can be taken with boldness, and resources can be used creatively to build new ways of being the church. Fully alive with clarified vision you will begin to turn insight into action as you lean into your calling and empower your teams and communities to thrive.
Something extraordinary happens when we sit together in solidarity. With your context fully embraced, your personhood respected, and God at the center, you will achieve greater missional harmony, a renewed vision, and emboldened convictions to carry your mission forward.
Statement of Inclusion: As your coach, I will be committed to you, my client in all your prismatic, differentiated fullness. I will work to be as informed as possible, as curious as possible, and provide as many resources as possible while also working to change the systems that uphold the many sins of partiality. To the best of my ability, I will do whatever I can to walk the good road with you as you work to set all God’s people free! To that effect, I offer scholarships, and sliding-scale services to anyone who might be barred from receiving these good gifts of the body of Christ due to financial limitations. Yes and Amen!
Coaching: Fuller Church Planter Coaching Certificate
Mental Health:
Types of Planters
Any Kind of Planter, Planter Couples, Urban Planters, Rural Planters, Micro Church Planters, House Church Planters, Missional Community Planters, and Launch Large Planters
Conflict Management, Leadership Formation, Missional Planting Dynamics, Social Enterprise/Business, and Team Building
Women in Ministry: Egalitarian
Sexual Ethics: Progressive and Mediating position
All denominations and traditions, Anabaptist, Anglican, Baptist, Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Lutheran, Non-denominational, Pentecostal/Charismatic, Progressive, Reformed, Restoration, Seventh Day Adventist, and Wesleyan/Methodist