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Jeya So


Rev. Jeya So is one of the co-founding and co-lead pastors of Anchor City Church, a third-culture community in San Diego, CA planted through the PC(USA). She also works as a coach, cohort leader, and in other capacities, with church leaders in several denominations and organizations, including the PC(USA)’s 1001 New Worshipping Communities, Cyclical Inc. and ISAAC (Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity) and is a contributing author to “Sustaining Grace: Innovative Ecosystems for New Faith Communities.”

Although ordained through the PC(USA), Jeya’s grew up in a charismatic/pentecostal church and she has experience with other denominations/traditions including Episcopalian, Lutheran, United Methodist and non-denominational church leaders.
Jeya has been coaching church planters since 2014, working in particular with women, teams, those working in cross-cultural contexts, and those discerning their particular call. Jeya is in the process of certification through the International Coaching Federation.


Coaching: Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Other

Mental Health:

Types of Planters

Planter Couples and Missional Community Planters


Team Building


English and Other


Women in Ministry: Egalitarian

Sexual Ethics: Progressive


All denominations and traditions